South Fork Galice Creek “Roberto I” $4499
- South Fork Galice Creek, Galice Mining District, Josephine County OR.
- NE1/4 of Section 16 Township 35 South, Range 8 West.
- Downstream Boundary: 42.5310 N; 123.6466 W
- Upstream Boundary: 42.5293 N; 123.6512 W
- You are free to sample the claim with non-motorized equipment. For directions via google maps to the trail head CLICK HERE. There will be a sign for the “China Creek Trail Head”. Follow this trail down and when you reach the creek you are one the claim. Use your GPS and coordinates to locate the upstream and downstream boundaries.
BLM Serial #- ORMC 174438
Acres- 20 Acres
Legal to Dredge?- No
Creek Frontage- About 1400′
Water- Plenty year around.
Camping- There is camping at the trailhead and at the creek.
Access- Usually 2wd year around to the trailhead. The trail to the creek is about .75 miles long with about a 500′ elevation change.
How is the Gold?- The gold on Galice Creek is very large. Nuggets and pickers make up about 95% of the gold you will find.
There is plenty of water year around for any size operation. Access is via a 3/4 mile well established walking trail. I believe you could drive a motorcycle to it. This claim is one claim of a 4 claim block that I own. The gold pictured below came from various holes on that four claim block.
This is a mining claim and a mining claim only. You do not own the land. You can mine and camp on the claim. This is not a homestead or a place to live. Upon completed payment you will receive A properly filed Quit Claim Deed transferring ownership of the claim to you. This document will be notarized, recorded at the county courthouse, recorded with the BLM, and mailed to you. This process can take between 15-45 days. However, you will have access to the claim immediately. We cover all fees and do all of the work associated in transferring the claim over to you. The claim is yours forever as long as you pay a yearly $200 fee to the BLM.
Every claim purchase includes a free membership to the RMPA. If you are already a RMPA member you can gift this free membership to a friend. Your membership information will be mailed to you along with your Quit Claim Deed. If you have any questions please visit our FAQ page or you can email us at If you are ready to buy the claim you can pay by credit or debit by clicking the “Buy Now” button below.
Buy the Mining Claim Roberto I
(Click on photos to expand)